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Cold Case Christianity

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Objections of Atheism

Christians are often accused of being “biased” simply because we believe in the supernatural. This accusation has power in our current pluralistic culture. Biased...


In this popular blast from the past, J. Warner discusses the essential nature of the Church. What does the Bible teach about the nature...

God / Theism

I’ve been writing this week about the truth of the triune nature of God, so I thought it might be appropriate to list a...

God / Theism

Ever try to explain the triune nature of God to your kids? It’s tough, right? Every analogy fails to capture the true essence of...

Belief / Faith

Last weekend as I taught the first Cold-Case Christianity class at Biola University as part of their Master’s Degree program in Christian Apologetics, the...

Christian Case Making

After speaking at a recent Christian leadership camp, the coordinator asked me to suggest some follow-up resources for the attendees. I sent the following...


In God’s Crime Scene, I make a robust cumulative case for the existence of God from eight pieces of evidence in the universe. Evidence...


In my new book, God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for A Divinely Created Universe, I describe the difference between inculpatory...

Christian Case Making

Over the past few years, I occasionally find God’s Crime Scene ranked as the #1 Best Seller on Amazon’s list of “Evangelism” books. I...

Belief / Faith

Anais Nin, the avant-garde author and diarist, once said, “When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons....