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Cold Case Christianity

Free Case Maker’s Course

Free Case Makers Course

Image Credit: Cottonbro Studio from Pexels

Are you ready to respond to objections against the existence of God, the reliability of the New Testament, or the Resurrection of Jesus? Our FREE Cold-Case Christianity Case Maker’s Course has been designed for you. This FREE course includes 30 Video Sessions with over 10 hours of content. It comes complete with printable study outlines and the opportunity to earn a Certificate of Completion. Here are the sessions:

Investigating Truth:

  • Session 01  – Objective and Subjective Truth
  • Session 02  – Three Lies About the Truth
  • Session 03  – Definitions of Truth

Investigating God:

  • Session 04 – Evidence for God from the Origin of the Universe
  • Session 05 – Evidence for God from the Fine Tuning of the Universe
  • Session 06 – Evidence for God from the Origin of the Life
  • Session 07 – Evidence for God from Objective Morality

Investigating the New Testament:

  • Session 08 – The Template for Evaluating the Reliability of the New Testament
  • Session 09 – Were the Gospels Written Early
  • Session 10 – Can the Gospels Be Corroborated
  • Session 11 – Have the Gospels Changed Over Time
  • Session 12 – Were the Gospel Authors Biased

Investigating the Resurrection:

  • Session 13 – Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross
  • Session 14 – Did the Disciples Lie About the Resurrection
  • Session 15 – Did the Disciples Hallucinate the Resurrection or Were They Fooled
  • Session 16 – Were the Disciples Influenced or Is the Resurrection a Late Legend
  • Session 17 – Did the Disciples Accurately Record the Resurrection

Investigating the Impact of Jesus:

  • Session 18 – The Template for Evaluating the Impact of Jesus on Human History
  • Session 19 – The Fuse Leading Up to the Appearance of Jesus
  • Session 20 – The Fallout Following the Appearance of Jesus
  • Session 21 – Explaining the Impact of Jesus

Investigating Christian Case Making:

  • Session 22 – Establishing a First Responder Model
  • Session 23 – The Evidential History of Christianity
  • Session 24 – Developing a Sense of Duty
  • Session 25 – Training to Share the Truth
  • Session 26 – Reading the Case Book and Thinking About Evidence
  • Session 27 – Taking Notes and Analyzing Words
  • Session 28 – Summarizing Evidence and Adding to the Case
  • Session 29 – Picking and Instructing a Jury and Making an Opening Statement
  • Session 30 – Communicating the Evidence and Making a Closing Argument

Our video sessions are robustly visual and uniquely accessible. They are unlike the sessions in any other available “apologetics” curriculum on the market, and the best part is this: They aren’t on the market. This course is available for FREE. Here is the first session of the course to give you an idea of what to expect:

Each session comes with a Study Guide to help you master the topic and assemble a notebook for future reference. Click the image below to download a sample of the Study Guide for Session 1:

Ready to become a better Christian Case Maker? Get our FREE Case Maker’s Course today. We’ll unlock this course for anyone who owns and has reviewed The Truth in True Crime. Simply visit this landing page and follow the instructions: