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Cold Case Christianity
Resources to Help You Respond to Mormonism Resources to Help You Respond to Mormonism

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I have six half brothers and sisters who were raised in the church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). When I first became interested in...

Mormons Are Not Christians Because the Mormon Jesus Is Not the Christian Christ Mormons Are Not Christians Because the Mormon Jesus Is Not the Christian Christ

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I am one of three Jim Wallace’s in my family. My father and son bear the same name, and all three of us are...

The Thing I Most Admire About Mormons The Thing I Most Admire About Mormons

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I’ve done m share of missions trips to the state of Utah. These trips were particularly meaningful to me over the years, especially given...

Did Joseph Smith's Doctrine of God Change Over Time Did Joseph Smith's Doctrine of God Change Over Time

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Much is often made of the more than 3,900 changes that have been made to the book of Mormon from the time of its...

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