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A new, 2018 Pew Research Center Report polled a growing group in America: “religious nones.” This group describes themselves as “nothing in particular” when...

Biblical Reliability

For some, the miraculous claim of the virgin conception of Jesus disqualifies the Gospel accounts as reliable history. The famous writer, atheist and debater,...


I thought I would complete this week’s series of Christmas blogs by addressing three common objections to the virgin conception of Jesus. I’ll start...

Artículos en Español

The Apostles Wrote the Gospels as Eyewitness Accounts Cuando escribes un libro tratando de evaluar los Evangelios como declaraciones de testigos presenciales, no debería...


Some critics have argued the “virgin conception” of Jesus is a late mythological addition attributed to Christian believers many centuries after the fact. These...

Articoli in Italiano

The Early Eyewitnesses of Jesus Come si può sapere chi era veramente Gesù di Nazaret? Come si può essere certi dei fatti della sua...

Artigos em Português

How the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers Preserved the Eyewitness Gospel Accounts Os alunos dos apóstolos desempenharam um papel fundamental na preservação e promoção dos testemunhos...

Artículos en Español

How Can the Gospels Be Eyewitness Accounts If They Include Things the Writers Didn’t See? Mi viaje hacia el cristianismo comenzó cuando examiné los...


As a Christian, I have a reasonable expectation of Heaven, based on the clear teaching of Scripture and the logical consequence of God’s nature....

Biblical Reliability

When you write a book about the reliability of the New Testament Gospels as eyewitness accounts, you can expect to get a response from...