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Cold Case Christianity

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In this blast from the past, J. Warner examines the evidence for the early persecution of the Church and the martyrdom of the Apostles....

Quarantine Questionnaire

Take advantage of the quarantine to learn more about the case for God’s existence, the reliability of the Bible and the nature of the...

Theology / Doctrine

The word “orthodox” does not actually appear in the Bible, but its meaning is affirmed throughout the Scriptures. The Bible describes the existence of...

God’s Existence

In this blast from the past, J. Warner examines several objections to the nature of God: Who created God? Is God’s power limited? Why...


For over two thousand years, seekers and believers have examined the person of Jesus in an effort to understand who He was and what...

Belief / Faith

The Christian concept of “faith” is often either misunderstood or deliberately misrepresented by skeptics and critics of Christianity. Christians are not called to believe...

Biblical Reliability

I’ve written quite a bit about the reliability of the New Testament eyewitness accounts in Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of...


This article was written by Samuel Bodnar, a junior at Indiana University studying journalism and religious studies. He conducted three interviews for a class...

Christian Case Making

I am humbled to have the opportunity to teach classes at Talbot Seminary. Several years ago, in my very first class, seventy-four graduate students...

Quick Shots

Our “Quick Shot” series offers brief answers to common objections to the Christian worldview. Each response is limited to one paragraph. These responses are...