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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "eyew"

Christian Case Making

After many years investigating and presenting criminal cases here in Southern California, I’ve learned a few important strategies. These simple principles are also valuable...

Theology / Doctrine

Creeds (formal statements of Christian belief) have fallen on hard times. Many Christians are uncomfortable with such objection proclamations of the exclusive Christian truth...

Christian Case Making

There’s a reason why God calls us to worship Him with our minds, understand the value of evidence, examine our beliefs until we are...

Biblical Reliability

As a detective, I’ve learned to accept the variation I see between eyewitness accounts. I’ve interviewed witnesses of crimes (occurring just hours earlier), only...

Quick Shots

Our “Quick Shot” series offers brief answers to common objections to the Christian worldview. Each response is limited to one paragraph. These responses are...

Belief / Faith

At the age of thirty-five, it seemed like I had everything I could possibly want. I’d graduated at the top of my class in...

Artículos en Español

(Can the Gospels Be Defended As Eyewitness Accounts?) A veces me sorprende que los escépticos resistan la afirmación (por lo menos) de que los...

Artículos en Español

(4 Reasons We Should Accept the Gospels As Eyewitness Accounts) En la película Dios No Está Muerto 2 se me pidió que defendiera la...


It’s been popular in the past ten years (or so) to describe Jesus as nothing more than a “retelling” of prior “dying and rising”...

Theology / Doctrine

When I first became interested in examining the Gospels as eyewitness accounts, I really had no interest in Jesus as God. I was willing...