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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "truth"


I occasionally encounter someone who rejects the existence of objective, transcendent moral truths. For many people, all moral truth is merely perspectival; a matter...


How do we arrive at transcendent, objective moral truths like, “It’s never OK to torture babies for fun” or (my new favorite from a...


Many atheists I know will readily acknowledge the existence of transcendent, objective moral laws. As an atheist myself, I spent many years enforcing laws...


When teaching the difference between objective and subjective truth claims to groups across the country, the issue of moral truth is often an area...

God's Existence

J. Warner Wallace is interviewed by Joe Amaral on 100 Huntley Street about the nature of moral truth and J. Warner’s journey from atheism...


In this podcast, excerpted from J. Warner’s recent interview with Neil Stavem on Connecting Faith, J. Warner Wallace talks about the challenges facing young...


In this blast from the past, J. Warner talks about the essential Christian claims related to the Holy Spirit. What does the Bible teach...

Belief / Faith

The producers of God’s Not Dead 2 asked me to play a small role in the film, testifying as an expert witness in a...


Leon Fontaine interviews J. Warner Wallace, author of God’s Crime Scene and Cold-Case Christianity about his upcoming role in God’s Not Dead 2. Be...


In this popular blast from the past, J. Warner discusses the essential nature of the Church. What does the Bible teach about the nature...