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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "truth"


I’m a cold-case detective, but many years ago, while working a “fresh” homicide, I got a call from a woman who wanted to provide...


At the age of thirty-five, I was a skeptical detective at a large municipal police agency in Los Angeles County. I was also a...


Homicide detectives are perhaps the least trusting people in the country. My own experience investigating murders has taught me to consider everyone a liar...


Homicide detectives see a lot of dead people. I certainly saw my share, investigating murders in Los Angeles County for nearly two decades. For...

Current Events

The statistics are alarmingly clear: Young Christians are leaving the Church in increasing numbers and when polled, most cite some form of intellectual skepticism...

Non-Canonical Texts

The Gospel of Truth is an ancient text (written in the form of a sermon) making claims about Jesus and the message he preached....

Theology / Doctrine

The first year I decided to take a group of students to Utah to share the Gospel with Mormons, a parent of one of...

Christian Case Making

Of all the topics I read about on Christian Case Making (apologetics) blogs, I seldom find anyone writing about leadership. But this aspect of...

Cold-Case Christianity Television Show

In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast, J. Warner continues his comprehensive description of the difference between teaching and training by articulating the...


I regularly teach high school students the nature of truth and the distinction between objective and subjective truth claims. This includes a discussion related...