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Cold Case Christianity
Does Design Imperfection Prove God Is Not the Designer of Life Does Design Imperfection Prove God Is Not the Designer of Life

God / Theism

Skeptics have argued against the involvement of an external designer on the basis of perceived imperfections within biological structures. If there is an all-powerful...

Why I’m An Evidentialist Why I’m An Evidentialist

Faith and Belief

In this podcast, J. Warner talks about the role of evidence in making the case for Christianity and the need for an evidential approach...

Why Doesn't God Prevent Evil Why Doesn't God Prevent Evil

The Problem of Evil

If God is all-loving and all-powerful, why does He allow bad things to happen? Is He too weak to stop evil? Is He too...

Doesn’t the Bible Say True Faith is Blind Doesn’t the Bible Say True Faith is Blind

Belief / Faith

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that I am an evidentialist; after all, I’m a detective. This is what I have done for a living for...


God / Theism

Skeptics have argued against the involvement of an external designer on the basis of perceived imperfections within biological structures. If there is an all-powerful...

Belief / Faith

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that I am an evidentialist; after all, I’m a detective. This is what I have done for a living for...


Last week I observed how many of us are concerned about our shrinking religious freedom even though we seldom exercise this freedom by sharing...


Religious freedom has certainly been in the news over the years, given the controversy over many elements of President Obama’s healthcare program and the...


Why Doesn't God Prevent Evil Why Doesn't God Prevent Evil

The Problem of Evil

If God is all-loving and all-powerful, why does He allow bad things to happen? Is He too weak to stop evil? Is He too...


Faith and Belief

In this podcast, J. Warner talks about the role of evidence in making the case for Christianity and the need for an evidential approach...

Evangelism and Case Making

In this podcast, J. Warner responds to a listener who wants to know how to become a public apologist. What strategies are effective? What...


In this podcast, J. Warner examines five responses typically offered to the question: “Why are you a Christian?” Are these responses sufficient, given the...


In this podcast, J. Warner converses with Frank Sontag and Janet Mefferd about the nature of heaven and the soul. Have popular movies and...