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Cold Case Christianity
Doesn’t the Bible Say True Faith is Blind Doesn’t the Bible Say True Faith is Blind

Belief / Faith

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that I am an evidentialist; after all, I’m a detective. This is what I have done for a living for...

Good Reasons to Trust a Courtroom Over a Laboratory When Trying to Determine What Happened in the Past Good Reasons to Trust a Courtroom Over a Laboratory When Trying to Determine What Happened in the Past

Belief / Faith

I’m sometimes challenged to defend what I believe with science. In a culture that places a high value on scientific exploration and empirical evidence,...

Is Your Transformational, Religious Experience Evidence Enough Is Your Transformational, Religious Experience Evidence Enough

Belief / Faith

When churches invite me to speak, they often understand the growing skepticism in our culture. They’re eager to prepare younger members to defend what...

When Making a Case for Christianity is Futile When Making a Case for Christianity is Futile

Belief / Faith

After four weeks, sitting just ten feet from the jury, I still wasn’t sure how to read them; especially Juror Number 9. She scowled...

Belief / Faith

As a detective, I’ve learned to evaluate words carefully when considering the statements of victims, witnesses and suspects. What someone didn’t say is often...

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