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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "Mormonism"

The Useful Delusion of Christian Belief The Useful Delusion of Christian Belief

Belief / Faith

My father taught me how to attend church as a non-believer. He did it for many years in many different contexts with both his...

Mormons Are Not Christians Because the Mormon Jesus Is Not the Christian Christ Mormons Are Not Christians Because the Mormon Jesus Is Not the Christian Christ

Other Worldviews

I am one of three Jim Wallace’s in my family. My father and son bear the same name, and all three of us are...

When Being a Christian Is Like Being a Californian When Being a Christian Is Like Being a Californian

Belief / Faith

I live in California; that makes me a Californian. I’ve lived here in gorgeous, temperate, beautiful Southern California my entire life (are you jealous...

The Thing I Most Admire About Mormons The Thing I Most Admire About Mormons

Other Worldviews

I’ve done m share of missions trips to the state of Utah. These trips were particularly meaningful to me over the years, especially given...

Did Joseph Smith's Doctrine of God Change Over Time Did Joseph Smith's Doctrine of God Change Over Time

Other Worldviews

Much is often made of the more than 3,900 changes that have been made to the book of Mormon from the time of its...

Is Mormon Salvation Possible Is Mormon Salvation Possible

Other Worldviews

One of the most important questions any monotheistic system can answer is simply this: “How is one saved; how can one have eternal life?”...

How Can I Introduce My Mormon Friends to Christianity How Can I Introduce My Mormon Friends to Christianity

Evangelism and Case Making

Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just another denomination of Christianity? Are Mormons Christians too? If not, what are the differences...

How (and Why) Some Early (and Current) Christians Held (and Still Hold) Heretical Views How (and Why) Some Early (and Current) Christians Held (and Still Hold) Heretical Views

Christian History

In the nearly 2000 years since the death of Christ several religious ideas have emerged about Jesus. Many religious movements include competing beliefs about...

Three Good Reasons to Celebrate Your Christian Worldview Three Good Reasons to Celebrate Your Christian Worldview

Christian Living

I have the great honor of being featured on the NRBtv Network (available on Direct TV), a network that features many Christian Case Making...

Why Christian Discipleship Is Critical to Christian Survival Why Christian Discipleship Is Critical to Christian Survival

Christian Living

Just before leaving the disciples, Jesus gathered them together and commissioned them with an important task. He told them, “All authority has been given...

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