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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "Mormonism"

Artículos en Español

Am I a Christian Simply Because I Was Raised in a Christian Culture? Personas que no están familiarizadas con mi jornada de fe a...

Artigos em Português

 Is the Account of Joseph Smith’s First Vision Reliable? A “Evolução” de um Relato Com o passar do tempo, parece que a história de...

Biblical Reliability

A few years ago, as part of an apologetics series at Grace Fellowship Church, we examined the alternative explanations for the empty tomb of...

Evangelism and Case Making

In this podcast, J. Warner Wallace is interviewed on Viewpoint on Mormonism by Eric Johnson and Bill McKeever from Mormon Research Ministry. They discuss...

God Didn’t Create Moral Law, It's Simply a Reflection of His Character God Didn’t Create Moral Law, It's Simply a Reflection of His Character


Moral truths are malleable and subjective if they aren’t grounded in a transcendent source (such as God). I’m not the only person to realize...

How Skeptics Use a Partial Truth to Tell a Complete Lie How Skeptics Use a Partial Truth to Tell a Complete Lie


I’m a cold-case detective, but many years ago, while working a “fresh” homicide, I got a call from a woman who wanted to provide...

Belief / Faith

I’ve been writing lately about the difference between belief “that” and belief “in,” following a recent radio interview with John Stonestreet for the BreakPoint...

Belief / Faith

People who are unfamiliar with my journey of faith sometimes seek to explain my conversion from atheism on the basis of geography. The objection...

God / Theism

The concept of Hell is daunting for many Christians. It’s not pleasant to think our unbelieving loved ones might spend eternity separated from God,...

Belief / Faith

I’ve been speaking around the country for a number of years now. I often address church groups of one nature or another, and when...

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