Even as an atheist, I understood the challenge offered by the “Standard Cosmological Model” (the Big Bang Theory) when examined from my naturalistic worldview....
Are Christians irrational? Do believers have to surrender their reasoning ability to believe Christianity is true? What is the relationship between reason and faith?...
Why are so many Christians unaware of the evidence supporting the Christian faith? How can an evidential understanding of Christianity change the way we...
Can Christians become scientists, or is there something about science that demands a non-religious worldview? Are faith in God and an interest in the...
“Faith is believing in something that cannot be proven and for which there is no evidence.” Media representations of religious people would make you...
J. Warner Wallace was interviewed by Stelman Smith of the Unapologetic Apologists and addressed the nature of the atheistic worldview, including the motives that...
J. Warner Wallace provides an important insight as part of the Summit Worldview Ministries video series. What is the Biblical definition of faith, and...
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