Can Christians become scientists, or is there something about science that demands a non-religious worldview? Are faith in God and an interest in the sciences completely incompatible? How have Christians engaged the sciences historically, and are there any clues from history that can help us move forward as believers who are interested in the sciences? J. Warner answers these questions in this episode of the NRBtv Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast.
Be sure to watch the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast on NRBtv every Monday and Saturday! In addition, here is the audio podcast (the Cold-Case Christianity Weekly Podcast is located on iTunes or our RSS Feed):
For more information about the impact Jesus and His followers had on science, read Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World That Rejects the Bible. This unique and innovative book makes a case for the historicity and Deity of Jesus from history alone, without relying on the New Testament manuscripts. It contains over 400 illustrations and is accompanied by a ten-session Person of Interest DVD Set (and Investigator’s Guide) to help individuals or small groups examine the evidence and make the case.
Eileen K
August 9, 2021 at 8:17 am
This question relates to information at your website on a screen titled “CHRISTIANITY- My Two Greatest Concerns About The Relationship Between Science And Christianity (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S7E18) I put the link to that page below this message.
On that screen it states that “The Person of Interest” book “is accompanied by a ten-session Person of Interest DVD Set (and Investigator’s Guide) to help individuals or small groups examine the evidence and make the case.”
But when I click on the book title or DVD Set in that statement, the screen that comes up shows all the details about the book at Amazon at a cost of $17.99 Nothing is said there about a DVD set. And surely both would not be selling at a cost of only $17.99.
I tried finding info about the DVD set at your website. I found lots of videos, but nothing about a DVD set connected with the “Person of Interest” book.
Please, explain cost of the DVD set and how to get it.