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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "is bible true"

Christian Living

A recent Gallup poll reveals that more Americans will celebrate a secular Christmas than ever before. For many of us, Christmas is little more...

Belief / Faith

I’ve been involved in jury trials for the past 30 years; I can’t even remember how many I’ve testified in as a police officer...

Objections of Atheism

Many skeptics claim the God of the Bible actually endorses slavery. They make this claim on the basis of specific terminology used in the...


What could we know about Jesus if every New Testament document had been destroyed? How much influence did Jesus have on the world, and...


As Christians, we believe that we are saved solely by the grace of God. When we say this, we mean we believe God sets...


This guest post was originally written by Anthony C. Hayes following an interview with J. Warner. It was posted at the Baltimore Post-Examiner: As...

Christian History

By the First Century, Rome had conquered a vast region of the known world, from modern-day Portugal on the west, to what we now...


It sometimes seems like an inevitability, doesn’t it? Every Christian holiday season, another skeptical article or news story attacking the deity of Jesus or...


Tom Gilson, senior editor at The Stream, recently interviewed me to discuss the impact of Jesus on human history (as I described in Person...

Belief / Faith

Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism stand among the largest religions in the world. [1] Taken at face value, it is easy to see that the...