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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "apologetics"

Biblical Reliability

Many Bible translations highlight Mark 16:9-20, the last 11 verses of the Gospel, for closer inspection. The New American Standard Bible (NASB) translation, for...


Are your young believers prepared to defend what they believe? The statistics are alarming related to the departure of young people from the Church,...

Christian Living

Several years ago, I wrote about why Christian discipleship is critical to Christian survival. While I was typing the article in Microsoft Word, I...

Christian Case Making

Sometimes getting into an apologetic conversation can feel like a competition. The other person offers their objections to Christianity and in return we try...

Christian Case Making

Can we turn the Christian “ocean liner”? Several years ago I had the great privilege of partnering with Tactical Faith, a Christian Case Making ministry...

Christian Case Making

If you’re interested in “apologetics” (the defense of the Christian faith), you’re probably interested in arguments. Not the “heated, angry exchanges between people who...

God's Existence

If the universe was caused by God, who caused God to come into existence? Why would we assume that God doesn’t also require a...


What is systematic racism? Are there more prominent causes than racism for inequalities between blacks and whites? Does grouping people by race or ethnicity...


Is anything REALLY true? Are all truths simply a matter of perspective, culture or “lived experience”? If transcendent truths exist, how can we “ground”...


Did an impostor pretend he was the risen Christ? Were the apostles fooled? How can we be sure one way or the other? This...