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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "Hell"

Theology / Doctrine

When I first became interested in examining the Gospels as eyewitness accounts, I really had no interest in Jesus as God. I was willing...

God / Theism

All rational discussions (even those related to the existence or non-existence of God) require the prior foundation of logical absolutes. Only theism, however, can...

Articoli in Italiano

Why Would God Punish Finite, Temporal Crimes in an Eternal Hell? Avendo chiarito e già in parte smontato le obiezioni, vediamo quattro presupposizioni e...

Articoli in Italiano

Why Would A Loving God Create A Place Like Hell? Per rispondere a questa domanda bisogna comprendere la natura di Dio. Possiamo concludere grazie...

Christian Case Making

The Christian community is experiencing an apologetics “renaissance”, and this resurgence of interest in Christian Case Making is being driven by an unexpected group...

Biblical Reliability

Sir William Mitchell Ramsay, a 19th Century English historian and prolific writer, held a pervasive anti-Biblical bias. He believed the historical accounts in the...

Biblical Reliability

We’ve been investigating the late non-canonical gospels to determine why they were rejected by the Christian community even though they often contain nuggets of...

Belief / Faith

If you listen carefully to our increasingly secular culture, you might think science and reason are completely incompatible with Christian belief. Several notable scientists...


There are many good reasons to believe we, as humans, are more than simply physical bodies. Humans are “soulish” creatures; we are living souls...

Christian Living

At the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, we often talk about the importance of worldview. Each of us, as Christians, ought to allow our...

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