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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "Hell"


As we seek to understand what the Bible teaches about Hell, it may be helpful to understand what the earliest believers believed and taught....


I’ve been blogging recently on the existence and nature of Hell and, unsurprisingly, I’ve received tremendous response from Christians and non-Christians alike (much of...


The notion of Hell is incredibly controversial, even among Christians. Many believers struggle to reconcile the mercy and grace of God with the existence...


I was interviewed recently on a large Los Angeles radio station about the existence of Hell. One caller objected to the duration of punishment...


Some struggle to understand how a loving God could create a place like Hell. Others, while understanding and accepting the relationship between mercy and...


When Rob Bell released his book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, he capitalized...


In this blast from the past, J. Warner addresses a common objection to the loving nature of God. Isn’t it unfair for God to...

A Simple Three-Pronged Approach To Youth Curriculum A Simple Three-Pronged Approach To Youth Curriculum


I spent most of my adult life as an atheist and once I eventually determined Christianity was true, I jumped in with both feet....

The Case for An Afterlife and the Biblical Description of Life After Death The Case for An Afterlife and the Biblical Description of Life After Death


In this podcast, J. Warner reviews the philosophical, evidential case for life beyond the grave and then examines what the Bible has to say...

Church Planting, Apologetics and the Christian Culture Church Planting, Apologetics and the Christian Culture

Evangelism and Case Making

In this podcast, J. Warner chats with Peyton Jones and Pete Mitchell, the hosts of the Church Planter Podcast about the challenges of church...

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