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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "heaven"


Humans have been thinking about life after death from the earliest of times. Heaven has been the topic of ancient authors and contemporary thinkers....

God / Theism

The concept of Hell is daunting for many Christians. It’s not pleasant to think our unbelieving loved ones might spend eternity separated from God,...


As Christians, we believe we are saved solely by the grace of God. God sets us apart for salvation based not on anything we...


Is Christianity repulsively exclusive? How can we call Christianity loving if Jesus is the only way to Heaven?  To see more training videos...

Christian Case Making

Christianity is unique among theistic worldviews. Some religious systems are based purely on the doctrinal, proverbial statements of their founders. The wisdom statements of...

Belief / Faith

My father taught me how to attend church as a non-believer. He did it for many years in many different contexts with both his...

Christian Case Making

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to speak to (and train) a number of Christian apologetics clubs on the campuses of high schools...

Other Worldviews

I am one of three Jim Wallace’s in my family. My father and son bear the same name, and all three of us are...

Other Worldviews

Much is often made of the more than 3,900 changes that have been made to the book of Mormon from the time of its...


Skeptics sometimes question the Gospel eyewitness accounts of the Resurrection, particularly related to the early observations of the risen Christ. In John’s record of...