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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "heaven"


The “problem of evil” is often cited by unbelievers when they explain their disbelief: How could an all-powerful, all-loving God allow His created children...

Christian Case Making

Sometimes it feels like we, as Christians living in the twenty-first century, are the first to find ourselves surrounded by a culture that seems...

Other Worldviews

While Christians continue to find archeological and textural evidence supporting the historicity and authenticity of the Biblical Gospel accounts, Mormonism has been plagued with...

Other Worldviews

I’ve taken many Utah Missions trips with high school students over the years. Each time, we spend 7-8 days talking with Mormons about what...

Other Worldviews

Yesterday, following church services, my family gathered in northeast Texas for Easter dinner. It was one of the few times my wife and kids...

Christian Living

Yesterday I was interviewed on the radio and the discussion wandered to the issue of violence in schools and the recent school shooting in...

Christian Case Making

As I get older, I’ve rediscovered the ancient truth uttered through King Solomon: “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a...

Hot Topic Issues

Much is being written now about James Holmes and the murders he committed in Aurora, Colorado. As a Christian and a cold-case homicide detective,...

Hot Topic Issues

Perhaps the most frequent questions asked of me related to the age of the earth are these: What do Christians say about dinosaurs? How...