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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "gospels as eyewitness accounts"

Cold-Case Christianity Television Show

In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast, J. Warner reviews the evidence for the reliability of the New Testament eyewitness accounts. What are...

Biblical Reliability

When we examine ancient history in an attempt to understand the nature of Jesus, we discover there are three separate witness accounts we have...

Biblical Reliability

I find it interesting that there are four Gospels, four stories of the life of Jesus, instead of a single account. Three of these...

Biblical Reliability

I’ve written quite a bit about the reliability of the New Testament eyewitness accounts in Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of...

Artículos en Español

(4 Reasons We Should Accept the Gospels As Eyewitness Accounts) En la película Dios No Está Muerto 2 se me pidió que defendiera la...

Theology / Doctrine

When I first became interested in examining the Gospels as eyewitness accounts, I really had no interest in Jesus as God. I was willing...

Artículos en Español

The Apostles Wrote the Gospels as Eyewitness Accounts Cuando escribes un libro tratando de evaluar los Evangelios como declaraciones de testigos presenciales, no debería...

Biblical Reliability

Every Easter season results in a new round of television shows, magazine covers and newspaper articles casting doubt on the historicity of Jesus or...

God / Theism

When a dead body is discovered, detectives must investigate the evidence to determine the most reasonable explanation. Did the deceased die naturally? Did he...


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