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Cold Case Christianity

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Christian History

A few years back I spoke with Bobby Conway (the One Minute Apologist) and answered the question, “Did the disciples lie about the resurrection...

Belief / Faith

We have a duty to know what we believe and why we believe it so we can give an answer, contend for the faith,...


Every other week, from May to August, I have the honor of speaking with students at Summit Worldview Academy. I typically teach on the...


In this blast from the past, J. Warner discusses a common objection of non-believers and examines three reasons why someone might reject a truth...

Belief / Faith

I spent last weekend with Frank Turek and Mike Adams speaking at another Fearless Faith conference. We trained and talked about the evidence for...

Christian Living

Everyone has a worldview, and our overarching beliefs ultimately impact the way we evaluate our experiences and interpret claims and objectives, including claims about...


In this blast from the past, J. Warner responds to a common atheistic claim: Skeptics argue that Christians believe Christianity is true simply because...


I have many unbelieving friends who laugh when I claim the God of the Bible is both all-powerful and all-loving. As they read through...


In this podcast, J. Warner talks with Steve Noble from Called2Action Radio about the cumulative case for Christianity from the perspective of a cold-case...


Whenever I start writing about morality or the existence of evil, I almost always get an email (or two) from people who point to...