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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "myth"

Belief / Faith

Skeptics sometimes portray Christians as both “unreasonable” and “unreasoning”. The Christian culture only exacerbates the problem when it advocates for a definition of “faith”...

Non-Canonical Texts

Many years ago, when I first became interested in Christianity, I encountered a book at a local bookstore entitled, The Lost Books of the...


In this blast from the past, J. Warner examines the historicity and nature of Jesus Christ. Before we can even look at who Jesus...


We’re about to conclude our annual tradition of posting the most popular resources from the past year. In 2017, nearly 1,000,000 unique visitors accessed...


Here we are again, at the end of another year. It’s been our busiest yet at Cold-Case Christianity, with more speaking events than ever...


Detectives create lists. As a cold-case detective, I’m no different. When investigating an event in the distant past (in my case, an unsolved murder),...

Biblical Reliability

The Gospel of Matthew is a reliable New Testament record of the life and ministry of Jesus, but this ancient document isn’t the only...

Biblical Reliability

The Gospel of John is a reliable addition to the New Testament Canon, but this ancient document isn’t the only text attributed to this...

Belief / Faith

If you’re a Christian, you already know the sad truth. Someone in your family (a son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, niece, or nephew) has already...

Biblical Reliability

During an interview on Unbelievable? with Justin Brierley, I responded to the objections of two atheists who rejected the reliability of the Gospel accounts...