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Cold Case Christianity

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Christian Case Making

I had the great pleasure of speaking at the Reasons to Believe AMP Conference. The theme of this year’s conference was”Wisdom in Evangelism,” so...


J. Warner Wallace is interviewed by Pastor David Fleming of Champion Forest Baptist Church and describes how he became a Christian. This excerpt is...

Objections of Atheism

If I began this post by asserting, “I can’t write a word of English,” you’d probably recognize the contradiction. My sentence betrays its own...


As a detective, I’ve learned to carefully examine the words of suspects (I’ve written an entire chapter about this in Cold Case Christianity). Killers...

God / Theism

Some would say that the Bible presents an irreconcilable dilemma. Both the New and Old Testament declare that there is only one God. Verses...

Biblical Reliability

I’ve had my share of homicide cases that involved unanswered questions. In fact, every case raises a number of substantial and difficult issues. In...

Christian Case Making

Last week I was in the Toronto area, speaking at the 2016 Apologetics Canada Conference. Afterward, several attendees told me they brought unbelieving spouses...

Christian Case Making

I have several believing friends that are “perfectionists”. They believe that Christians, filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit, can eventually attain a level...

Belief / Faith

I often hear statements like this at speaking events when people excitedly share their journey to the cross. I’m sometimes surprised at how many...

Biblical Reliability

Many Christians are unaware of the ancient legends, distortions and stories about Jesus known as the “non-canonical gospels”. Maybe that’s why opportunistic skeptics are...