In this podcast, J. Warner discusses the nature of objective, transcendent moral truth claims and the insufficiency of moral grounding from an atheistic, naturalistic...
In this podcast, J. Warner talks about a common tactic used by skeptics making naturalistic scientific claims. Critics of supernaturalism often compare their naturalistic...
Christian scripture makes numerous miraculous claims, including, but certainly not limited to, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. However, there is considerable scholarly...
In this blast from the past, J. Warner examines the presupposition of naturalism as it relates to the reasonableness of Christianity. Are theists the...
For some, the miraculous claim of the virgin conception of Jesus disqualifies the Gospel accounts as reliable history. The famous writer, atheist and debater,...
As an atheist, I considered myself a committed philosophical naturalist, and I rejected supernatural explanations related to scientific or historical inquiry. If I encountered...
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