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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "quick shots"

God's Existence

Is belief in God completely irrational? Is it like believing in mythological or fantastical creatures? In this video from J. Warner’s “Quick Shots: Fast...

God's Existence

If God exists, why does He seem absent in difficult times? Why doesn’t He appear to us physically? Why is He so hidden? In...

God's Existence

If God exists, why is most of the universe hostile to life? Given that earth appears to be little more than just a pale...


Why are we so resistant to the notion of miracles? What presuppositions keep us from inferring the miraculous? What “miraculous” aspects of the universe...


What are we to think of the OT passages in which God seems to command the destruction of entire people groups? Does God approve...


Is any belief in God sufficient? Don’t all religious claims and systems ultimately lead to the same God or the same experience in an...

Biblical Reliability

Imagine yourself being questioned by a friend or family member in the following way: “Aren’t there late insertions in the Biblical text? If parts...

Belief / Faith

Imagine yourself being questioned by a friend or family member in the following way: “Isn’t ‘faith’, by definition, believing something without evidence? Is it...

Biblical Reliability

Imagine yourself being questioned by a friend or family member in the following way: “Jim even though Church Fathers like Ignatius and Polycarp repeat...

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