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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "quick shots"


The Bible is allegedly the inspired “Word of God,” but it was written by humans who are fallible. How can we trust anything written...


Even if some claims are objectively true, how can we be sure – given our limited ability as finite humans – we can know...

God's Existence

If the universe had a beginning and requires God as its creator, who created God? How can God be the only “thing” that doesn’t...

The Problem of Evil

If there is an all-loving, all-powerful God, why doesn’t He stop evil? Why would He allow his children to suffer? In this video from...


Did Jesus really exist? Is He simply a re-creation of prior “dying and rising” savior myths? In this video from J. Warner’s “Quick Shots:...

God's Existence

What kind of evidence can we use to determine if God exists? Is there really any evidence to make such a determination? In this...


Was Jesus just a wise, ancient sage? Did Jesus think He was more than a man? Did He ever do or say anything to...

God's Existence

Are moral truths determined by individuals or groups? Are these kinds of claims dependent on culture? If not, how can we “ground” such truths?...


Do people simply become Christians because they are raised in a Christian environment? Is this the only reason why people decide to follow Jesus?...


Isn’t my love for God (any God) sufficient to please God? If I am sincere, doesn’t God credit my sincerity by allowing me into...

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