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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "apologetics"


What difference does belief in Christianity make in one’s life? How do people typically respond once they trust Jesus as Savior? How did J....

The Problem of Evil

If there is an all-loving, all-powerful God, why doesn’t He stop evil? Why would He allow his children to suffer? In this video from...

Belief / Faith

Why are you a Christian? What motivates the pursuit of your faith? What reason do you have to believe what you believe? If you...

Cold-Case Christianity Television Show

How can we better memorize this “creedal” passage from Paul? How can we use this important passage to help make a case for the...

Christian Case Making

I follow and post in several Christian internet groups. Some of them are evangelistic groups, some are theological, and some are philosophical or apologetics...


Why should we trust what Christians wrote about the death of the apostles? How do we know how the disciples really died? In this...


Did Jesus really exist? Is He simply a re-creation of prior “dying and rising” savior myths? In this video from J. Warner’s “Quick Shots:...

Christian Living

A few years back I spoke at Bethel University and had the chance to visit with several students and professors afterward. Campus Pastor Laurel...

Cold-Case Christianity Television Show

How can we better memorize this “creedal” scripture? How can we use this important passage to help make a case for the deity of...

Faith and Belief

Why don’t more people believe in Christianity? What causes some people to doubt or reject the claims of Christianity? This clip was excerpted from...