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Cold Case Christianity

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Christian Living

Every Spring, millions of people graduate from colleges and universities across America, and most of them are under the age of 25. This year,...

Current Events

The first Thursday of May each year is the National Day of Prayer; an appropriate American celebration, given how many Americans pray regularly. A...

Current Events

Mark Twain is credited with saying that “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on,” and...

Belief / Faith

Skeptics sometimes portray Christians as both “unreasonable” and “unreasoning”. The Christian culture only exacerbates the problem when it advocates for a definition of “faith”...


As we seek to understand what the Bible teaches about Hell, it may be helpful to understand what the earliest believers believed and taught....


In this podcast, J. Warner Wallace is interviewed by Frank Turek on his CrossExamined Radio Show. They discuss recent shootings and terrorist attacks and...


The reliable Gospel eyewitness accounts aren’t the only ancient description of Jesus. There are also non-Christian descriptions of Jesus from the late 1st to...


As an atheist police officer, I was often amazed at the number of people I arrested who claimed to be Christians. In fact, I...

Objections of Atheism

In our Rapid Response series, we tackle common concerns about (and objections to) the Christian worldview by providing short, conversational responses. These posts are...

Belief / Faith

I love Bobby Conway. I just wanted to say that up front before I tell you about his important new book. I love Bobby’s...