If you’re watching the culture closely, you’ve probably noticed it’s increasingly difficult (and unpopular) to hold a Christian worldview in America. Fewer and fewer...
Much has been written and discussed about the Public Religion Research Institute poll, Religious Change in America. According to the poll, “Around one-quarter of...
Sometimes getting into an apologetic conversation can feel like a competition. The other person offers their objections to Christianity and in return we try...
Can we turn the Christian “ocean liner”? Several years ago I had the great privilege of partnering with Tactical Faith, a Christian Case Making ministry...
If you’re interested in “apologetics” (the defense of the Christian faith), you’re probably interested in arguments. Not the “heated, angry exchanges between people who...
I follow and post in several Christian internet groups. Some of them are evangelistic groups, some are theological, and some are philosophical or apologetics...
Brett Kunkle, Sean McDowell and I took students to Berkeley for several years, creating and facilitating trips to challenge young Christians and expose them...
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