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Cold Case Christianity

Belief / Faith

Rapid Response: What Does It Mean to Be a ‘Two-Decision’ Christian?

Two Decision Christian
Image Credit: RODNAE Productions from Pexels

In our Rapid Response series, we tackle common concerns about (and objections to) the Christian worldview by providing short, conversational responses. These posts are designed to model what our answers might look like in a one-on-one setting, while talking to a friend or family member. Recently, I was asked about a term I described in Cold-Case Christianity: “What’s a ‘two-decision Christian?” Here is a conversational example of how I replied:

“Well, I think most of us understand what a one-decision Christian is. That’s when we make a decision to trust Christ for our salvation. And most of us who are Christians would, of course, say we’ve done that.  But what comes next? What are we, as people who’ve made the first decision to accept Jesus as Savior, to do now? Is there another decision we ought to make?

I think the Scripture is clear.

Most of us, for example, would say that we feel bad that we don’t share our faith as much as we ought to. In other words, we feel like we’re not the evangelist we ought to be. But Paul tells us in Ephesians 4 that some of us are pastors, some of us are teachers, and some of us are evangelists; which means, some of us aren’t any of those things. We’ve all been gifted differently and God understands that. We’ve been called to share the truth about Jesus, but these traditional roles described by Paul in Ephesians 4 aren’t for everyone.

But Peter takes a different approach. In 1 Peter 3, he is much more inclusive. He doesn’t write that some of us need to be ready to give a reason for the hope we have.  He says all of us need to be ready. Regardless of gifting. It’s not an option for us to leave to other members of the Church.

So, we might say, ‘Well, I’m not a great evangelist, but I don’t really need to work at that because, you know, Billy Graham, he was called that kind of thing.’

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But when it comes to making a defense for the joy we have in Jesus, we have a greater responsibility. We’re not off the hook when it comes to being a case maker.  We’re all called to be case makers.  Peter didn’t write that some of us have this responsibility. He said all of us need to make a decision to defend what we believe. And that’s the second decision I’m talking about.

If you don’t make two decisions, a decision to trust Christ, and then to make a case for what you believe about Christ, you’re living an abbreviated Christian life.

If you don't make two decisions, a decision to trust Christ, and then to make a case for what you believe about Christ, you're living an abbreviated Christian life. Share on X

Do you want to make a cultural impact? Do you want to help your kids to be able to resist the offerings of the world opposed to the Christian worldview?

Make the second decision.”

This brief answer was modified from my interview with Bobby Conway. To learn more and watch many other short answers to difficult questions, please visit the One-Minute Apologist website.

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Written By

J. Warner Wallace is a Dateline featured cold-case homicide detective, popular national speaker and best-selling author. He continues to consult on cold-case investigations while serving as a Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He is also an Adj. Professor of Christian Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and a faculty member at Summit Ministries. He holds a BA in Design (from CSULB), an MA in Architecture (from UCLA), and an MA in Theological Studies (from Gateway Seminary).


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