Take advantage of the quarantine to learn more about the case for God’s existence, the reliability of the Bible and the nature of the Christian worldview
Why Do People “Shun” the Truth? (Video)
J. Warner Wallace answers questions about Christianity in his “Think Like a Detective” series on RightNow Media, the “Netflix of Christian Bible Studies”. In this video, J. Warner addresses three reasons why people reject a truth claim. You might think people reject truth claims for purely rational reasons. Is this true?
Why Some People Simply Will Not Be Convinced
While you and I can do our best to present the evidence to our unbelieving friends, there is clearly a foundational, presuppositional problem in the heart of man.
1. List the three reasons why people reject (“shun”) a truth claim:
2. Think of someone in your life who rejects the claims of Christianity. Write down his or her name. Which of the three reasons lies behind their resistance? What evidence do you have to support your conclusion?
3. How does a bias against the miraculous impact the way people think about the existence of God or the truth of Christianity?
4. Why is it so important to guard our behavior when making the case for Christianity to others? How can you improve your disposition when sharing the truth?
5. Of the three reasons people “shun” the truth, which do YOU think is most common? Why do you think this?
Download all the Quarantine Questionnaires HERE. The PDF files have active hyperlinks you can use to access the videos and the articles, and you can print them to complete your responses!
For more information about the reliability of the New Testament gospels and the case for Christianity, please read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels. This book teaches readers ten principles of cold-case investigations and applies these strategies to investigate the claims of the gospel authors. The book is accompanied by an eight-session Cold-Case Christianity DVD Set (and Part
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