When churches invite me to speak, they often understand the growing skepticism in our culture. They’re eager to prepare younger members to defend what...
The relationship between science and faith continues to be hotly debated in our culture today. Eric Metaxas’ recent viral Wall Street Journal article, “Is...
Does religious belief still matter in an increasingly secular world? Does the Bible still provide important information? Why do Christians need to be better...
Imagine yourself being questioned by a friend or family member in the following way: “Isn’t ‘faith’, by definition, believing something without evidence? Is it...
Are academically untrained believers smart enough (or informed enough) to make a reasonable decision about the claims of Christianity? Do I need to be...
J. Warner Wallace is interviewed by Impact 360 and describes the evidential, eyewitness nature of the Gospel accounts. Are the Gospels truly eyewitness reports,...
J. Warner Wallace provides an important insight as part of the Summit Worldview Ministries video series. Is it possible to evaluate the gospel accounts...
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