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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "are the gospels "


What difference does belief in Christianity make in one’s life? How do people typically respond once they trust Jesus as Savior? How did J....


Why should we trust what Christians wrote about the death of the apostles? How do we know how the disciples really died? In this...


Did Jesus really exist? Is He simply a re-creation of prior “dying and rising” savior myths? In this video from J. Warner’s “Quick Shots:...

Other Worldviews

There is an unfortunate legacy of false prophecy related to Joseph Smith, the “prophet” and founder of Mormonism. Just type “False Prophecy of Joseph...


We planted a church from a youth group several years ago, and as a result, I pastored a congregation of college aged men and...


Why would anyone believe the Bible is telling us anything we can trust about Jesus? Is there a way we can test and communicate...


Was Jesus just a wise, ancient sage? Did Jesus think He was more than a man? Did He ever do or say anything to...

Other Worldviews

I became a Christian at the same time I became a “Not Mormon”. By taking an investigative approach to the Christian and Mormon scripture...


Why are you a Christian? Why do most Christians identify themselves as believers? Is there one reason that is better than the rest? J....

Other Worldviews

Words matter. Ideas have consequences. In the years that I have been engaging Mormons about matters of faith, I’ve learned to define terms very...