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Cold Case Christianity

Quick Shots

Quick Shot: “Christianity is anti-science”

Quick Shot Christianity is anti-science
Image Credit: Edward Jenner from Pexels

Our “Quick Shot” series offers brief answers to common objections to the Christian worldview. Each response is limited to one paragraph. These responses are designed to (1) answer the objection as concisely as possible, (2) challenge the objector to think more deeply about his or her claim, and (3) facilitate a “gospel” conversation. In this article, we’re offering “Quick Shot” responses to the objection, Quick Shot: “Christianity is anti-science.”

Response #1:
“Christianity isn’t anti-science, but it is anti-scientism. ‘Scientism’ is the belief that science is the only way to know anything. But there are many things we know without the benefit of science at all, like logical and mathematical truths (that precede scientific investigations), metaphysical truths (that determine if the external world is real), moral and ethical truths (that set boundaries for our behavior), aesthetic truths (like determining beauty) and historical truths. Christians believe that science can tell us many important things, but not all important things. How could science possibly tell us anything meaningful about the historicity of Jesus or the historical reliability of the Bible?” Christians believe that science can tell us many important things, but not all important things. How could science possibly tell us anything meaningful about the historicity of Jesus or the historical reliability of the Bible? Share on X


Response #2:
“Christianity isn’t anti-science. In fact, some of the most famous scientists in history were Christians (like Johannes Kepler, René Descartes, Blaise Pascal, Isaac Newton, and Max Planck), and many current accomplished scientists are also Christ-followers (like John Polkinghorne, Francis Collins and Michael Behe). These scientists aren’t afraid to ask all the classic investigative questions; the what, when, where, how, why and who questions. Many modern scientists, however, now refuse to ask the who question, even when the best scientific evidence (like the evidence of information in DNA) points clearly to an intelligent who. They refuse to even acknowledge the possibility of a Divine who. Christianity isn’t opposed to science, just to scientists who refuse to ask all the questions. Why wouldn’t scientists be willing to ask the who question?” Christianity isn’t opposed to science, just to scientists who refuse to ask all the questions. Why wouldn’t scientists be willing to ask the who question? Share on X


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Response #3:
“Science and Christianity aren’t at odds with one another. In fact, science can help us make the case for the God of the Bible. Science tells us that everything in the universe came into existence from nothing, and that this was caused by something powerful, non-spatial, non-temporal and non-material. Science tells us our DNA contains true information, and the best inference for the existence of information is an intelligent mind. The God of the Bible is a reasonable candidate for the non-spatial, non-temporal, non-material, intelligent mind that could explain this scientific data. Why do you think some people reject the existence of God when the scientific evidence is most reasonably explained by God?” Why do you think some people reject the EXISTENCE of God when the scientific evidence is most reasonably EXPLAINED by God? Share on X

Our “Quick Shot” series was written specifically for the Cold-Case Christianity App (you can download it on Apple and Android platforms – be sure to register once you download the App). When confronted with an objection in casual conversation, App users can quickly find an answer without having to scroll beyond the first screen in the category. Use the App “Quick Shots” along with the “Rapid Responses” and Case Making “Cheat Sheets” to become a better Christian Case Maker.

For more information about the impact Jesus and His followers had on science, read Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World That Rejects the Bible. This unique and innovative book makes a case for the historicity and Deity of Jesus from history alone, without relying on the New Testament manuscripts. It contains over 400 illustrations and is accompanied by a ten-session Person of Interest DVD Set (and Investigator’s Guide) to help individuals or small groups examine the evidence and make the case.

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Written By

J. Warner Wallace is a Dateline featured cold-case homicide detective, popular national speaker and best-selling author. He continues to consult on cold-case investigations while serving as a Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He is also an Adj. Professor of Christian Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and a faculty member at Summit Ministries. He holds a BA in Design (from CSULB), an MA in Architecture (from UCLA), and an MA in Theological Studies (from Gateway Seminary).



  1. Pingback: Quick Shot: “Christianity is anti-science” | Cold Case Christianity – Elders Scrolls

  2. Pingback: Quick Shot: "Christianity is anti-science" - The Poached Egg Christian Worldview and Apologetics Network

  3. Pingback: There are many things we know without the benefit of science - The Poached Egg Christian Worldview and Apologetics Network

  4. Pingback: Quick Shot: “Christianity is anti-science” – Averagechristiannet

  5. Pingback: Quick Shot: “Christianity is anti-science” | Cold Case Christianity – Elders Scrolls

  6. Pingback: Quick Shot Responses to “Christianity is Anti-Science” - 304kit

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