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Is God Real? Evidence from the Laws of Logic

Is God Real Evidence from the Laws of Logic
Image Credit: HARUN BENLİ from Pexels

Most of us don’t think much about the physical or non-physical laws of the universe necessary for us to exist (and make sense of our existence). As an example, we usually take the law of gravity for granted; it doesn’t really matter how the law operates or what forces lie behind it. We simply accept the fact we live in a world where gravity is a reality. In a similar way, there are many conceptual laws we also take for granted. These abstract truths order our world and guide our exploration and experience. One area of conceptual truth involves a body of concepts we call the Laws of Logic. Is God real? The existence of the Laws of Logic may provide us with an answer.

All rational discussions (even those about the existence or non-existence of God) require the prior foundation of logical absolutes. You’d have a hard time making sense of any conversation if the Laws of Logic weren’t available to guide the discussion and provide rational boundaries. Here are three of the most important Laws of Logic you and I use every day:

The Law of Identity
Things “are” what they “are”. “A” is “A”. Each thing is the same with itself and different from another. By this it is meant that each thing (be it a universal or a particular) is composed of its own unique set of characteristic qualities or features.

The Law of Non-Contradiction
“A” cannot be both “A” and “Non-A” at the same time, in the same way and in the same sense. Contradictory statements cannot both be true in the same sense at the same time.

The Law of Excluded Middle
A statement is either true or false. For any proposition, either that proposition is true, or its negation is true. There is no middle position. For example, the claim that “A statement is either true or false” is either true or false.

These logical rules are necessary in order for us to examine truth statements. We also need them to point out when someone is reasoning illogically. We use the Laws of Logic all the time; you couldn’t even begin to read or reason through this blog post if you didn’t employ these laws. In fact, you’ve never had an intelligent, rational conversation without using these laws. They’re not a matter of subjective opinion; they are, instead, objectively true. So, here’s an important question: “From where do the transcendent, objective laws of logic come?”

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As an atheist, I would have been the first to describe myself as rational. In fact, I saw myself as far more reasonable than many of the Christians I knew. But, I was basing my rationality on my ability to understand and employ the Laws of Logic. How could I account for these transcendent laws without the existence of a transcendent Law Giver?

(1) The Objective Laws of Logic Exist
We cannot deny the Laws of Logic exist. In fact, any reasonable or logical argument against the existence of these laws requires their existence in the first place.

The Objective Laws of Logic Are Conceptual Laws
These laws are not physical; they are conceptual. They cannot be seen under a microscope or weighed on a scale. They are abstract laws guiding logical, immaterial thought processes.

The Objective Laws of Logic Are Transcendent
The laws transcend location, culture and time. If we go forward or backward a million years, the laws of logic would still exist and apply, regardless of culture or geographic location.

The Objective Laws of Logic Pre-Existed Mankind
The transcendent and timeless nature of logical laws indicates they precede our existence or ability to recognize them. Even before humans were able to understand the law of non-contradiction, “A” could not have been “Non-A”. The Laws of Logic were discovered by humans, not created by humans.

(2) All Conceptual Laws Reflect the Mind of a Law Giver
All laws require law givers, including conceptual laws. We know this from our common experience in the world in which we live. The laws governing our society and culture, for example, are the result and reflection of minds. But more importantly, the conceptual Laws of Logic govern rational thought processes, and for this reason, they require the existence of a mind.

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(3) The Best and Most Reasonable Explanation for the Kind of Mind Necessary for the Existence of the Transcendent, Objective, Conceptual Laws of Logic is God
The lawgiver capable of producing the immaterial, transcendent laws preceding our existence must also be an immaterial, transcendent and pre-existent mind. This description fits what we commonly think of when we think of a Creator God. If God exists, He is the absolute, objective, transcendent standard of truth. The Laws of Logic are simply a reflection of the nature of God. Share on X

The Christian Worldview accounts for the existence of the transcendent Laws of Logic. If God exists, He is the absolute, objective, transcendent standard of truth. The Laws of Logic are simply a reflection of the nature of God. God did not create these laws. They are a reflection of His rational thinking, and for this reason, they are as eternal as God Himself. You and I, as humans, have the ability to discover these laws because we have been created in the image of God, but we don’t create or invent the laws. As an atheist, however, I rejected this conclusion and offered a number of alternative explanations related to the Laws of Logic. Is God Real? The Laws of Logic (much like the appearance of our universe from nothing) provide us with evidence establishing the most reasonable inference: God exists and has created a universe in which we can find and know Him.

For more information about the scientific and philosophical evidence pointing to a Divine Creator, please read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe. This book employs a simple crime scene strategy to investigate eight pieces of evidence in the universe to determine the most reasonable explanation. The book is accompanied by an eight-session God’s Crime Scene DVD Set (and Participant’s Guide) to help individuals or small groups examine the evidence and make the case.

Written By

J. Warner Wallace is a Dateline featured cold-case homicide detective, popular national speaker and best-selling author. He continues to consult on cold-case investigations while serving as a Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He is also an Adj. Professor of Christian Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and a faculty member at Summit Ministries. He holds a BA in Design (from CSULB), an MA in Architecture (from UCLA), and an MA in Theological Studies (from Gateway Seminary).



  1. Pingback: Is God Real? Examining Atheistic Explanations for the Laws of Logic as “Brute Realities” | Cold Case Christianity

  2. Pingback: Is God Real? Examining Atheistic Explanations for the Laws of Logic as “Brute Realities” | Apologetics ForumApologetics Forum

  3. Pingback: Is God Real? Examining Atheistic Explanations for the Laws of Logic as “Brute Realities” | A disciple's study

  4. Pingback: Is God Real? Are the Laws of Logic Simply Human Conventions? - Cross Examined - Christian Apologetic Ministry | Frank Turek | Christian Apologetics | Christian Apologetics Speakers

  5. Pingback: Is God Real? Are the Laws of Logic Simply Human Conventions? | Apologetics ForumApologetics Forum

  6. Pingback: Photo Ethics for Bloggers; Celebrity Pastors; Atheist Stupidity?; New Calvinism; Laws of Logic; etc « ChosenRebel's Blog

  7. Pingback: Mid-January 2019 Presuppositional Apologetics’ Links | The Domain for Truth

  8. Pingback: Midweek Apologetics Roundup - Stephen J. Bedard

  9. Pingback: Q & A: Were the Laws of Logic Created by God? - Confident Christianity

  10. Sharlimar

    October 23, 2021 at 4:10 pm

    I am grateful for your thoughts and efforts put into this article (regarding laws of logic). When I first started reading this article I was thinking, “good, something to attempt to share with those that have asked, “How do you know the Bible is True?” and those that say, “What evidence do you have that the Bible is True?”. I wanted to answer the “How”, to give reasons (not just state, because I believe it or say it’s true because its changed my life). Even though scripture is true, the person’s that I answer don’t believe this is so, so just saying because the Bible says such and such doesn’t mean a thing to them (proving things beyond what I already assume). They may believe that the Bible was transmitted correctly since it was written.They may believe that “some” accounts in the Bible are true.They may believe in coincidence when the Bible has for-told of an event that came about.I don’t want to just leave it at the mercy of secular science and archeological claims, because sometimes things get discovered later that are not known at the time. I thought, “Great, I have something that can answer the ‘proof’ questions–the laws of logic”. But a possible problem with this being shared is something I read about after the laws of logic were presented. I hope this link works and you are able to read what I read and can provide some insight. Here is the link: This is titled, “How Reliable is Logic” by John V. Dahms & written in Dec. 1978. Thank you. No matter what your answer I still believe God & when the Bible states all scripture is God breathed I believe that too.

  11. Sharlimar

    October 23, 2021 at 4:49 pm

    Since I recently commented I’ve read further (Norman Geisler’s debate to John V. Dahms regarding the law of non-contradiciton) Now I’m reading, “ “The Validity of the Law of Non-contradiction for Religious Epistemology by Bob DeWaay” which brings up the debate of Norman Geisler & John V. Dahms. Maybe this will clear up some questions I have.

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