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The Best Christian Case Making (Apologetics) Content on Twitter

The Best Christian Case Making (Apologetics) Content on TwitterIf you’re a fan of my work here at, you already know how fond I am of Twitter. I scan and read over 400 Christian apologetics blogs daily and post the best evidential apologetics articles on my Twitter account. People have described it as the “Drudge Report” of Christian apologetics. I hope it has become a daily resource for you if you are interested in making a case for what you believe as a Christian. I also follow and read Christian Case Makers on Twitter and I was recently asked about who I follow. So, here is my list of the most useful, content rich, Christian apologetics feeds on Twitter. I am sure I am leaving someone out and you may even know a few I have missed. My criteria for inclusion on the list is simple:

These Accounts Are Focused on Apologetics Content
The accounts on my list are not primarily personal accounts filled with anecdotal information. I realize personal accounts have great value and are important for fans of apologists who want to gain insight into the life and activity of people making the case for Christ. Given my time constraints, however, I use Twitter as a newsfeed (I use Facebook for more personal interaction). So, I am featuring information rich accounts.

These Accounts Are Updated Regularly
I’ve included the most active Christian Case Makers on Twitter. I post 5-10 apologetics links a day. I realize that can be a lot for many people, but more than not tell me the feed has been a blessing. For this reason, I am featuring similarly “busy” Twitter feeds.

These Accounts Are Interactive
I try my best to respond to the people who connect with me on Twitter. It’s difficult to go into great depth on an issue when you are limited to 140 characters, but I am featuring folks who do their best to engage their followers.

All that being said, here are the Twitter accounts featuring (in my opinion) the best apologetics content from ministries, apologetics authors and speakers:

A Clear Lens (@AClearLens)
A Clear Lens is all about #worldview :: #christianity :: #apologetics :: #philosophy :: with an eye on Luke 10:27 & 2 Corinthians 10:5

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Links to apologetics articles featured at the A Clear Lens website

Andy Bannister (@andygbannister)
Canadian Director of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries: author, speaker, broadcaster, writer and presenter. Husband to Astrid and father to Caitriona.

Links to Andy’s apologetics videos and articles and some retweets

Apologetics 315 (@Apologetics315)
Latest good stuff from Apologetics315!

Apologetics material (often linked or retweeted here) from around the globe

Applied Apologetics (@Apologetics2020)
Christian Applied Apologetics provides Innovative #Apologetics, Philosophical & #Theological resources that make an impact on non-specialists.

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Posts from Applied Apologetics, links and retweets to apologetics content

Biola Apologetics (@biolapologetics)
The Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics Program at Biola University.

Posts from many of the Biola Apologetics professors and many retweets and links related to Christian apologetics

Chad Gross (@TBapologetics)
Providing resources to defend your faith and all things new at Truthbomb Apologetics

Links to great TruthBomb Apologetics posts and many other apologetics articles

Christian Apologetics Alliance (@ApolAlliance)
News and Updates from the Christian Apologetics Alliance.

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Posts and links to work from a variety of apologists who contribute to the Alliance

Christian Research Institute (@CRInstitute)
Home of @CRIBAM broadcast hosted by president @HankHanegraaff. Providing Christians w/well-reasoned answers 2 defend the faith. ….because Life & Truth matter.

Links to great apologetics resources from the Christian Research Institute including the work of Hank Hanegraaff

Eric Metaxas (@ericmetaxas)
‏Author of BONHOEFFER: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy & MIRACLES; Lecturer-at-Large, King’s College, NYC

Links to articles covering current events relevant to Christians and content describing Eric’s speaking engagements

Frank Turek (@Frank_Turek)
#Apologetics Speaker, (co)author: I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist; Stealing from God, Correct Not Politically Correct, Legislating Morality

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Lots of posts from CrossExamined contributors and links to apologetics content (@gotquestions)
We provide over 4,000 articles and personal responses to questions about life, God, and the Bible.

Links to GotQuestions apologetics related content

HardRock Apologetics (@HR_Apologetics)
Solid Reasons to Believe

Links to apologetics articles from a variety of sources

Jonathan Morrow (@Jonathan_Morrow)
I help Christians understand what they believe, why they believe it & why it matters. Director @impact360 Author, Worldview Speaker, Founder of @thnkchristianly

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Links to Jonathan’s work plus many other apologetics articles

Josh McDowell (@josh_mcdowell)
Author/speaker passionate about God’s #love #family #apologetics

Inspirational quotes and links to Josh’s material and speaking events

J. Warner Wallace (@jwarnerwallace)
Cold Case Detective, Adjunct Professor at Biola, Christian Case Maker, and author of Cold Case Christianity. Posting apologetics material from around the web!

The Drudge Report of Christian evidential apologetics, providing material from over 600 apologetics blogs (including

Lee Strobel ‏(@LeeStrobel)
Follower of Jesus. Author of 20+ books, including The Case for Christ. Professor at Houston Baptist University & teaching pastor at Woodlands Church.

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Lots of personal posts and inspiring quotes plus occasional links to apologetics material

Lenny Esposito (@comereason)
Mental instigator. Apologist, author, speaker, and president of Come Reason Ministries. Providing real answers about a real God.

Links to Lenny’s apologetics work and a few retweets

Michael C Sherrard (@mikecsherrard)
Director of Ratio Christi College Prep, Pastor @c3ptc, & Author of Relational Apologetics. #RelationalApologetics

Links to a variety of apologetics and Christian worldview issues

Mikel Del Rosario (@ApologeticsGuy)
Apologetics Professor at William Jessup University. Th.M Student at Dallas Theological Seminary. Husband, Father, & Worship Leader.

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Links and retweets to apologetics stories and a few tweets related to Mikel’s apologetics work

One Minute Apologist (@OneMinApologist)
We provide quick answers to apologetic questions on YouTube that resource people with a hunger to defend their Christian faith.

Links to great short apologetics videos featuring Bobby Conway with a variety of apologists

Ratio Christi (@RatioChristi)
Ratio Christi equips university students worldwide thru #apologetics clubs to give evidence & reason for following Jesus Christ; challenging atheism/secularism.

Frequent links to apologetics articles

Ravi Zacharias (@RaviZacharias)
Founder & President of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. Atlanta | Worldwide. Helping Thinkers Believe & Believers Think. Staff assists with tweets.

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Posts are often provided by staff highlighting written content and Ravi’s speaking engagements interspersed with inspirational quotes

Reasonable Faith (@RFupdates)
Reasonable Faith Updates provides current news and information from the ministry of William Lane Craig and Reasonable Faith.

Links to articles and videos featuring William Lane Craig

Reasons to Believe (@RTB_official)
Integrating Science and Faith. Apologetics Ministry.

A fantastic collection of links to the science and theology scholars at Reasons to Believe

Saints and Sceptics (@SaintsSceptics)
Celtic Apologetics

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Links to great articles from this North Ireland apologetics ministry

Sean McDowell (@Sean_McDowell)
Biola University Professor, Youth Worker, Husband, Father, and fan of ping-pong and the Chargers (oh yeah, and Spider-Man too!)

Links to apologetics material and inspiring or factual quotes

Stand to Reason (@STRtweets)
Equipping Christian ambassadors with knowledge, wisdom, & character. Follow STRtalk for the live radio program interaction.

Lots of links and retweeted content relevant to Christian apologetics and great material from the STR staff

The Poached Egg (@ThePoachedEgg)
Ratio Christi’s The Poached Egg delivers #Christian Worldview & #apologetics articles & quotes. Helping believers to think and thinkers to believe!

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Tons of apologetics posts from the Poached Egg apologetics blog plus the latest featured book deals

Tom Gilson (@ThnkngChristian)
Editor, True Reason, Ratio Christi Nat’l Field Director; author/blogger/speaker; Christian, husband, father, swimmer, canoeist

Links to Tom’s apologetics and Christian worldview articles and an occasional apologetics retweet

Wintery Knight (@Wintery_Knight)
I defend the Christian worldview and discuss how Christianity relates to news and public policy at

Links to many apologetics, public policy and Christian Worldview articles, including WK’s great posts

I hope this brief list is helpful as you scan the best apologetics material on Twitter. If you haven’t been using Twitter, let me encourage to open an account today and follow these authors, speakers and ministries. If you think I’ve missed someone, please let me know and I’ll update the list!

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For more information about the nature of Biblical faith and a strategy for communicating the truth of Christianity, please read Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith. This book teaches readers four reasonable, evidential characteristics of Christianity and provides a strategy for sharing Christianity with others. The book is accompanied by an eight-session Forensic Faith DVD Set (and Participant’s Guide) to help individuals or small groups examine the evidence and make the case.

J. Warner Wallace is a Dateline featured Cold-Case Detective, Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, Adj. Professor of Christian Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, author of Cold-Case ChristianityGod’s Crime Scene, and Forensic Faith, and creator of the Case Makers Academy for kids.

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J. Warner Wallace is a Dateline featured cold-case homicide detective, popular national speaker and best-selling author. He continues to consult on cold-case investigations while serving as a Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He is also an Adj. Professor of Christian Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and a faculty member at Summit Ministries. He holds a BA in Design (from CSULB), an MA in Architecture (from UCLA), and an MA in Theological Studies (from Gateway Seminary).

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