In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Podcast, J. Warner discusses the manner in which we, as Christians, ought to respond to criticism. Are...
In this podcast, J. Warner talks about the habit many of us exercise when speaking Christianese, the distinctive (and often confusing) language of the...
In this podcast, J. Warner discusses the nature of objective, transcendent moral truth claims and the insufficiency of moral grounding from an atheistic, naturalistic...
In this podcast, J. Warner reads an honest (if not politically correct) comment from an atheist describing the consequence of a consistent atheistic worldview....
In this podcast, J. Warner talks about a common tactic used by skeptics making naturalistic scientific claims. Critics of supernaturalism often compare their naturalistic...
What is unique about Christianity? How does Christianity uniquely and accurately describe the world around us? In this interview with Alex McFarland, J. Warner...
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