J. Warner Wallace examines several objections to the argument for God’s existence from the appearance of design in biological organisms. Even atheists such as...
In this podcast, J. Warner Wallace examines the evidence for design (teleology) in biological organisms. Even atheists such as Richard Dawkins admit biological molecular...
In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast, J. Warner describes a strategy to address the departure of young people from the Church. The...
In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Podcast, J. Warner talks about the importance of presuppositions when considering a truth claim. Using analogies from...
In this Cold-Case Christianity video broadcast / podcast, J. Warner reviews the statistics related to young people leaving the church and then offers four...
J. Warner provides four observations from his youth ministry trips to UC Berkeley. These simple observations may help you improve the quality of your...
What does Christianity teach about salvation? J. Warner illustrates a number of competing notions related to salvation. Jim asks six questions as he steps...
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