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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "logic"

Artigos em Português

Why the Efficiency of Biological Organisms Cannot Be Explained by Evolution Até cientistas ateus estipulam em favor da aparência de design presente nos organismos...

Artigos em Português

Are the Laws of Logic Only Human Conventions? Todas as discussões racionais (mesmo aquelas relacionadas com a existência ou não de Deus) são dirigidas...

Artigos em Português

The Comparatively Rich Archaeological Corroboration of the Old Testament Quando comecei a examinar as alegações do Livro de Mórmon, eu era um ateu que...

God / Theism

The vast majority of scientists affirm the Standard Cosmological Model as an accurate and reliable description of the universe’s origin. After examining the evidence,...

Biblical Reliability

When I first began examining the claims of the Book of Mormon, I was an atheist who had just become interested in the person...

Biblical Reliability

I’ve learned to test witnesses in my criminal investigations before trusting their testimony, and I evaluate them with the template we typically use in jury trials. One...

Belief / Faith

Philosophy is an important academic discipline and there are many great, professional Christian Case Makers who work in the field. Alvin Plantinga, William Lane...

God / Theism

Even atheistic scientists stipulate to the appearance of design in biological organisms. Richard Dawkins would be the first to agree: “Biology is the study...

Cold-Case Christianity Television Show

In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast, J. Warner Wallace continues his six part mini-series summarizing material from his latest book, God’s Crime...

Cold-Case Christianity Television Show

In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast, J. Warner Wallace continues his six part mini-series summarizing material from his latest book, God’s Crime...