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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "are the gospels "

The Bible

In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner talks with Janell Wood and shares his story of coming from a contentedly non-christian worldview and...

The Bible

In this podcast, J. Warner shares his personal journey and investigation through the New Testament documents with Ally Domercant, host of Snapshot Testimony. Their...

The Bible

How can we trust the Gospels if the ancient manuscripts contain so many “variants” and differences? Why would anyone trust the Biblical manuscripts if...

Other Worldviews

Much is often made of the more than 3,900 changes that have been made to the book of Mormon from the time of its...


In this podcast, J. Warner moderates a panel discussion on the topic of Christian ‘celebrities’ leaving the faith or deconstructing their beliefs. The panelists...


Is a detective qualified to examine events from the historical past? How might a detective apply his skills to the examination of Jesus? In...

Theology / Doctrine

I recently received an email question from a listener who wrote: “I have studied quite a few different translations of the bible and have...


What impact does the information age have upon our interests and beliefs? What impact does social media have on our commitments? Does social media...


Skeptics sometimes question the Gospel eyewitness accounts of the Resurrection, particularly related to the early observations of the risen Christ. In John’s record of...


Do all roads lead to heaven? Are all religions true (or true enough)? Can every religious worldview be true if they make opposing claims?...