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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "logic"

God’s Existence

In this re-posted podcast, J. Warner begins to examine the case for God’s existence from the Laws of Logic (the Transcendental Argument). Jim also...

God's Existence

Does the nature of our finite universe tell us anything about the existence of God? Is the universe evidence for God’s existence?  To...

God / Theism

My criminal cases are largely circumstantial in nature. I seldom have eyewitnesses who can identify the suspect directly or tell me exactly how the...

God / Theism

All rational discussions (even those related to the existence or non-existence of God) are directed and restrained by the Laws of Logic. Only theism,...

God / Theism

All rational discussions (even those related to the existence or non-existence of God) require the prior foundation of logical absolutes. Only theism, however, can...


In this podcast, recorded during a church presentation, J. Warner Wallace offers examples from his career in law enforcement to illustrate the importance of...

God / Theism

Most of us don’t think much about the physical or non-physical laws of the universe necessary for us to exist (and make sense of...

Articoli in Italiano

Evidence for God from Design (The Teleological Argument) Un fondamento sicuro Ci sono tanti modi in cui gli studiosi e i teologi hanno difeso...

Articoli in Italiano

Evidence for God from Creation (The Cosmological Argument) Ci sono prove dell’esistenza di Dio? A volte, i cristiani si trovano in situazioni in cui...

Artículos en Español

Is God Real? The Case from the Transcendent Laws of Logic Todos nosotros nos levantamos cada día y vivimos nuestras vidas sin pensar mucho...