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Cold Case Christianity

Search results for "mormon"

Other Worldviews

I am one of three Jim Wallace’s in my family. My father and son bear the same name, and all three of us are...

Other Worldviews

I’ve done m share of missions trips to the state of Utah. These trips were particularly meaningful to me over the years, especially given...

Other Worldviews

One of the most important questions any monotheistic system can answer is simply this: “How is one saved; how can one have eternal life?”...


In this blast from the past, Bill McKeever, from the Mormon Research Ministry, teaches one of J. Warner’s mission teams about the nature of...

Evangelism and Case Making

Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just another denomination of Christianity? Are Mormons Christians too? If not, what are the differences...


Is it possible to make the case for Mormonism in the same way one might make the case for Christianity? Is it possible to...


Can Mormonism pass the same test J. Warner applied to Christianity? Are the claims of Mormonism evidentially reasonable? In this Q and A session,...


In this blast from the past, J. Warner reviews a Utah Missions Trip and talks about several important points of contrast between Christianity and...

Other Worldviews

For many, the fact Mormonism has a history of polygamy as an accepted practice is reason enough to reject the theology of Joseph Smith....

Other Worldviews

I became a Christian at the same time I became a “Not Mormon”. By taking an investigative approach to the Christian and Mormon scripture...